William Paca Garden Annapolis, MD
Happy 4th. We went to Annapolis on Wednesday to see the William Paca House and Gardens. Paca was one of the Maryland signers of the Declaration of Independence. How fitting. Behind the house is a treasure. A restored garden in geometric design with low patterned hedges. You can see the Summer House over the bridge and beyond the State Capitol. The Paca House holds a plant sale every Mother’s Day. We were fortunate enough to buy some young plants – a vitex bush also known as a chaste tree. The one in the garden was lovely, bluish gray spires similar to a butterfly bush but larger and more architectural. Around the corner were some neat interior decorating shops. More on that later. On the way home we talked about wedding flowers. How not to put bouquets in the fridge if there’s food in there, the anxiousness of making the bouquet overnight and wondering if it will be okay in the morning and how many and how much the roses should be open in the bride’s bouquet. Do gardeners have anything else to talk about!? Yes!