
“The Prairie Spirit” Landscape Architecture June Celebration in Chicago
Library of Landscape Architecture History Books Anchor June Festivities in Chicago Chicago resident and LALH Board member John K. Notz Jr. has organized a series of events in June to celebrate the publication of two new titles from LALH, Graceland Cemetery: A Design History by Christopher Vernon andThe Native Landscape Reader, edited by Robert E. Grese. Both books illuminate little-known aspects of important trends in landscape architecture that started in Chicago, particularly the “prairie spirit” that shaped significant landscapes such as Graceland Cemetery between 1900 and 1930. The first series, spanning June 13–16, honors the sesquicentennial anniversary of Chicago’s Graceland Cemetery as well as the new Vernon book. The next series, unfolding June 17–20, focuses on The Native Landscape Reader and includes the world premiere of the first LALH documentary film, Designing in the Prairie Spirit. Contact the hosting venues for more information. The Library of American Landscape History, Inc., founded in 1992, is a not-for-profit organization that produces books and exhibitions about North American landscape history. LALH books are written by leading historians in the field. Richly illustrated, they appeal to general readers as well as specialists. LALH touring exhibitions reach large and diverse audiences in museums, galleries and botanical gardens across the nation. Both LALH books and exhibitions are intended to educate and thereby encourage thoughtful stewardship of the land. The study of North American landscape history is a fledgling field, and we need your support. Your tax-deductible contributions help underwrite LALH book and exhibition programs. Wednesday, June 13, 12:15 p.m.: Christopher Vernon, lecture and book signing Wednesday, June 13, 5:30 p.m.: Christopher Vernon, lecture and book signing Thursday, June 14, 5:30 p.m.: Christopher Vernon, lecture and book signing Saturday, June 16, 10:00 a.m. Symposium with guest landscape architects and historians Sunday, June 17, 3:00 p.m. Christopher Vernon; Robert Grese; Robin Karson, author and LALH executive director; and Arthur Miller, author and Lake Forest College librarian, panel discussion, “The Landscape Design Heritage of Chicago’s North Shore.” Reception following. Hosted by Lake Forest College Archives and Special Collections, Donnelley and Lee Library, and Environmental Studies Program. Co-sponsored by Lake Forest–Lake Bluff Historical Society. Tuesday, June 19, 6:30 p.m. Christopher Vernon, Robert Grese, and landscape architect Darrel Morrison, lecture program and film screening. Morrison will introduce the world premiere of the LALH film about his work,Designing in the Prairie Spirit. Co-sponsored by LALH. Wednesday, June 20, 12:15 p.m. Robert Grese, lecture and book signing Wednesday, June 20, 6:30 p.m. Christopher Vernon, Robert Grese, and Robin Karson, lecture and book signing, “The Pioneering Prairie Spirit in Landscape Design.” Co-sponsored by LALH. |