Coleus Sunshine

May 13, 2012

Sunshine Coleus, CarlisleFlowers permission

Sunshine Coleus, credit:CarlisleFlowers

It’s Mother’s Day weekend and the gardening mother is taken by the non-gardening father to Cylburn Arboretum’s Annual Market Day.  We went directly to the hothouse where it was single file down the line of annuals propagated by the City of Baltimore’s citizens, friends and staff.  The choice of coleuses was overwhelming.  My husband stood tall and guarded our picks because swooping hands were flying low.  I asked for his advice trying to arrange a tall center plant, a medium size spreading plant and a trailer for my containers.  Yet my dear one spied the hot lick of the day, the Sunshine Coleus.  Going against all the rules I bought three for each planter and will have only a mounded grouping.  They are so gorgeous I’m not sure anything could pair with them.

Cylburn Arboretum, Baltimore, MD, Courtesy: Cylburn Arboretum Association

Cylburn Arboretum, Baltimore, MD, Courtesy: Cylburn Arboretum Association

Upon leaving (with dollars to spare!), I happily told hubby that these coleuses, brassy bold, were favorites of the Victorians.  He asked if they were annuals.  “Yes,” I said.  “Can we get them back?” he wanted to know.  “Only if we come to Cylburn next year.  And hon, (so Baltimorese) I’m so glad you picked them out.”  “See,” as people admired our cache on the way out, “all gardeners smile at each other.  They don’t need to talk about anything else but flowers and trees.

1870 English Victorian Garden, Courtesy, The Flower Museum, London, England

1870 English Victorian Garden, Courtesy, The Flower Museum, London, England

St. Louis Victorian Garden, Courtesy: Missouri Botanical Garden

Victorian Garden, Courtesy: Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO


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