Olmsted Tour of Carroll Park on National Trails Day, Saturday, June 4, 1-3PM
Friends of Maryland Olmsted Parks and Landscapes lead by Myra Brosius, a former Baltimore City planner and developer of Carroll Park Master Plan, will explore the history of Carroll Park with an emphasis on the effect the Olmsted Brothers landscape designers had on the park on Saturday, June 4 on National Trails Day, 1-3pm.
The Carroll Mansion, this National Register Historic Landmark, was built in the 1770’s as a summer home and plantation. It is the oldest building in Baltimore, MD. Loving care has been given by the Colonial Dames of America to restore its inside to the looks of its early days.
Here is an excerpt from the Museum’s web site about the estate’s more recent history as it relates to the Olmsted influence::..” In 1890 the Carroll heirs sold the house and 20 acres to the City of Baltimore Park Commission for use as a public park. The Park Commission pursued more acreage expanding the park to 36 acres. In 1903, the firm of Olmsted Brothers Landscape Architects was hired to make improvements to Baltimore’s park lands. Work began in Carroll Park in 1904 and today many of the Olmsted features are still in existence.”
Carroll Park is maintained by the Department of Recreation and Parks, Baltimore City.
Contact Heide Grundmann at, 410 945 0586.
Reservations and contributions suggested. Friends of Maryland Parks and Landscapes,
Attend a Civil War lecture in the stable sponsored by Mount Claire Museum House from 12 Noon-1 PM, call for availability /registration 410.837.3262 |
Tour the mansion (about 1 hour) before or after the walk. Open until 4 PM, discounted admission fee available for tour attendees or on their web site: