CarlisleFlowers Green Nature Courses

June 6, 2010

The Green Earth, CarlisleFlowers

The Green Earth, CarlisleFlowers

This is the green earth.  What beauty to talk about.  This summer (2010) we will be writing courses to be downloaded as power point presentations free to the public.  The nature courses will be multi-disciplinary, ecological, cultural, sociological and international (if we can fit that all in a 15 minute package!)  We welcome your ideas and input.  Our first topic, “The Green House” will take us from the Crystal Palace to the green house effect.  Bio-diversity and agriculture, botanical drawings, a living green wall, and wetlands are other topics – thoughtful yet dynamic for a range of ages. Spanish versions will be available.   Youngsters will be introduced to Mr. Potato Head a bit later.  Sponsorship of these courses is welcome and green too.  Here’s to a good summer.  CarlisleFlowers

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